Mini Dental Implants vs Traditional Implants
The next story is about a patient of mine named Storie….how bizarre. Well actually the patient is the wife of a patient of mine who had placed mini dental implants on to replace his existing partial denture.
X ray of broken premolar #13
I gave her the option of a root canal, post and a crown. I thought it was a good option but she had it in her mind to take the tooth out and have implants. We talked about traditional implants but she wanted what her husband had been offered – mini dental implants and crowns.
I took the tooth out with some peritomes to preserve the facial bone as much as possible .
X ray of the tooth removed and the socket preservation with De-mineralized & Mineralized Freeze Dried Bone (6 months later)
The area had healed in quite well and I was pleased with the amount of bone that was preserved in both the Facial/Lingual dimension as well as height.
3 Intra Lock Mini Dental Implants were placed to act as the roots for the missing premolar and molar (#13 and #14)
As you can see the procedure was very atraumatic to the tissue as no flap was made. Notice hardly any blood in the sites where the mini implants were placed.
I standard impression was taken and the case was sent to Valdi and Shatkin FIRST Lab for 2 PFM Crowns. The thing I like about FIRST Labs is that you don't get charged for the lab analogs for the master model or the 2nd pour for contacts.
Not to mention that the crowns look good and more importantly fit well on the mini implants.
I dry fitted the mini dental implant crowns in the patients mouth…let her approve the color and aesthetics. She approved them and we cemented them. Overall it was a slam dunk case.